Physical Education (PE)


At The Beacon our aim is to provide a high-quality physical education curriculum that is accessible to all. It will inspire all pupils to achieve and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Physical Education provides opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. This will be implemented during lessons and INSPIRE Plus (extra-curricular provision). Opportunities are provided to children to compete in sport and other activities to build character and help embed values such as fairness, respect and our own school Christian values. 



In EYFS, our children develop their fine and gross motor skills in order to participate in non sport specific team games and individual games. Each half term the children in EYFS focus on a different athlete giving children a diverse range of sporting role models to look up to.  


Key Stage 1 and 2

In Key Stage 1 (KS1), we aim to provide children with the foundations to become adept at a wide range of sports. In Key Stage Two (KS2) we combine the knowledge and skills children have learnt in KS1 to prepare the children for competitive events and team games. We provide an excellent range of sporting and physical activity including offering KS2 children the opportunity to attend skiing lessons which cover moving on the flat, getting up the slope, exercises on the way down and how to stop.  

We are very proud to offer a wide range of extra curricular sports clubs each half term as part of INSPIRE Plus provided by specialist sport coaches, children receive the best coaching in different areas of sport from Basketball to Swimming. We also offer an Active Playground lunch time club every lunch time on our yard encouraging children to play a variety of sports keeping active throughout the day. The after school clubs we offer vary every half term giving children a wide range of different sporting activities over the academic year. Please find this half terms INSPIRE Plus school sport club timetable below to see the range of clubs on offer. 

We have strong links with local clubs including Liverpool Football Club, Everton Football club and LSSP. We recognise children's talents and abilities giving children the opportunities to take their skills further by signposting more able children to clubs and ensuring children are reaching their full potential. 

At The Beacon we promote a healthy, active lifestyle. We are proud to take part in Cross Country events through the LSSP, we promote this in school by making the most of our local area and encouraging children to take part in activities. We recently completed a whole school fun run in Everton Park which was enjoyed by all children and staff. 

Children will also have opportunities to take part in competitions throughout the year through our partnership with the Liverpool Schools Sports Partnership. You can keep up to date with any competitions we take part in through our school twitter account.

Children will also have the opportunity to compete in intra school competitions applying the skills they have learnt in units across the year. 








Curriculum PE

Class PE Days - Summer 2

Year 1DM - Friday                        Year 1JA - Friday

Year  2P - Wednesday                 Year 2S - Wednesday

Year 3H - Wednesday                  Year 3P - Wednesday

Year 4B - Monday                        Year 4TC - Monday

Year 5Q - Thursday                      Year 5R -  Thursday

Year 6B - Tuesday                        Year 6M - Tuesday 


Knowledge Organisers can be found on individual class pages. 


Swimming Dates

Autumn Term – 12 Session

Start                  week commencing 11th September 2023

Half Term           week commencing 30th October 2023

Finish                week commencing 4th December 2023   


Spring Term – 10 sessions

Start                  week commencing 8th January 2024

Half Term           week commencing 12th February 2024

Finish                week commencing 18th March 2024


Summer Term – 9 sessions

Start                  week commencing 15th April 2024

Half term            week commencing 27th May 2024

Finish                week commencing 17th June 204


Year 6 top up session -

1 week - Monday 11th - Friday 15th December  

3 week intensive programme Monday 24th June – Friday 12th July 2024


Swimming Summer 2 - Monday -  Year 1 and Year 2


Link to purchase PE Kit.   Beacon PE kit



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