Academic Performance - KS2 SATS 2023

End of Key Stage 2 Data for 2022- 2023 Academic Year.

Congratulations to the children and staff for all their hard work and for achieving such wonderful results. We are so proud of you.

These 2022-2023 results and other data related to our school can be found on the school and performance measures website.  Click here for our school performance measures page


The scaled score is the raw score the pupil achieves on their test paper, 'scaled' to a score between 80 -120. A score of at least 100 is the expected for a year 6 pupil. Children who achieve a scaled score of 110+ are identified as a pupil attaining at a higher level.

Subject School's Average Scaled Score
Reading 105
GPS 107
Maths 106



The expected standard for year 6 pupils is met when a pupil achieves at least a 100 on a scaled score (which ranges from 80 -120)

Subject School National difference LA difference 
Reading 76% +3% +8%
GPS 80% +8% +12%
Writing 76% +5% +8%
Maths 87% +14% +20%
RWM 72%  +12% +17%


GPS - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 

RWM - Reading, Writing and Maths


Subject School   National Difference LA Difference
Reading  26% -3% +1%
GPS 37% +7% +12%
Writing 28% +15% +15%
Maths 35% +11% +15%
RWM 17% +9%  +10%


Progress scores from KS1 to end of KS2

A school's progress scores in Reading, Writing and Maths are calculated as an average of its pupils subject progress scores. These scores give an indication of whether, as a group, pupils in the school made above or below average progress in a subject compared with pupils with similar starting points in other schools. The National Average is 0 so anything below zero is below the National Average and anything above is above the National Average.

  School Progress Score

Progress Score for Reading (with 0 being the expected)



Progress Score for Writing (with 0 being the expected)


(well above average)

Progress Score for Maths (with 0 being the expected)


(above average)


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