British Values
At The Beacon CE Primary School, we celebrate the fact that we live in a diverse society and therefore, our curriculum and life within school reflects this. Our mission is to provide a happy and nurturing environment which develops the necessary skills for all our children to enjoy learning irrespective of race, colour, creed or impairment.
We aim to continually weave the threads of social, cultural, moral and spiritual values for our pupils throughout whole school life.
Our Definition of the Fundamental British Values:
Respect and obey the law
Respect the rights of others, including their right to voice their own opinions
Treat others with fairness
Respect and understand other faiths and cultures
Look after yourself and your family
Look after the area in which you live and the wider environment
Have a knowledge of British history, culture, famous British places and events
Our ethos is to encourage all children and adults to respect and support each other at all times. Children are expected to show thoughtfulness and care for each other. We believe that our Code of Conduct underpins the fundamental British Values.
Listen carefully to each other
Try our very best in all we do
Take good care of our school property and belongings
Be kind, friendly and truthful
- Keep safe
Respect everyone and celebrate their differences
At The Beacon we promote the fundamental British values throughout our curriculum and in particular through our Personal, Social, Health and Economic education programme.