Help Your Child Thrive

We are excited to announce that the ‘Help Your Child Thrive’ programme is coming to our school again this year and will start on Monday 16th September. The course will run every Monday afternoon in school for 6 sessions just before you pick your child up at the end of the school day. 

The course will give you a real insight into what your child will be learning in Reception and how they will be taught. Each week you’ll receive lots of practical tips and ideas as to how to help your child develop skills in communication and language, personal, social and emotional wellbeing, physical development, literacy and maths. You will be given a booklet full of resources and ideas for fun games to play with your child at home which will help them with their transition into Reception. The course is also a good chance to meet other parents and get to know a bit more about school.

The course is open to all parents/grandparents/carers of those children in Reception in September 2024.

This course has been well received in previous years.  Here are a few quotes families have said about the course. 

“My child definitely loved the activities and games we did at home”

“Really relaxed course where I learnt loads”

“Gives you a great insight into what your child is going to be learning in Reception and how I can help at home”

If you would like to take part, please speak to Mrs Rowley.

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