Remote Learning Year 1

Welcome to the Y1 Remote Learning webpage. Please see links below that your child can use to access our remote learning curriculum. If our whole class is self isolating, we will be delivering whole class lessons on Microsoft Teams. Your child has had a log in for Microsoft Teams sent home on paper which they used throughout lockdown. 

Microsoft Teams




Keep a look out on Seesaw for Phonics activities. We will be looking at a different sound each day and working on some tricky words too. Don’t forget there are lots of things you can do at home to help your reading too. Why don’t you be a Phoneme Detective and have a look in your reading book and see what digraphs you can spot. Or maybe you could have a go at practising your phonics using chalk or magnetic letters. You could even write some tricky words on individual pieces of paper and ask somebody at home to play splat. Who can splat the word you say first? Have a look on the Reading Eggs app – there are lots of games to play, activities to do and books to read! 




MyMaths is an online programme that gives lessons and activities for children to complete.  Please make sure to work through the lesson first using the numbers down the side and then complete each part of the task.  Your teacher can see how you are doing and reset tasks if you need more practise.  You will have been assigned tasks to complete and will see these when you log in.



Your child can access the Read to Write activities in line with class on SeeSaw. The book being read in school will also be available on Seesaw too. 



Language Angels is an online language programme that gives interactive games for children to practise their French skills. All pupils have an individual login and your teacher will be able to view the games you have been playing.



BBC Bitesize is a great website to continue learning scientific facts and developing scienctific skills. There are lots of quizzes, interactive games and videos. Our Spring 2 topic is Plants. This link will take you to this page.

Explorify at Home is a great website to watch exciting videos and try out some experiments at home! You will need to set up free account to access the resources. 



If you would like to access more resources and lessons from home, take a look at the Oak Academy website. They have lessons for each subject to help your child at home.

These are the topics for Spring 1

Maths- Addition and Subtraction within 20:

Science- Everyday materials: 

PSHE- Keeping safe 

If you need help with this please contact [email protected]



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